Leadership Assessments

Stuart Levine & Associates has seasoned professionals who provide high-quality and cost-effective 360 Assessment and Feedback programs for managers.  There are several options to meet our client’s needs, understanding the  importance of executing these projects with excellence.

We administer several different 360 assessment instruments and recommend providing feedback as well.  Each option makes use of different assessment instruments, and each utilizes a somewhat different process for conveying feedback.  Our most detailed and comprehensive feedback reports make highly individualized recommendations for development planning. Questions can be customized in collaboration with our clients, to add to the standard set of multiple-choice questions, enabling us to emphasize issues that are especially important for your organization.  Specialized rater categories can also be selected.

Normative benchmarking of individual results to comparable groups of managers from other organizations can be obtained as well as identification of potential “derailment factors”.

Our leadership assessment projects create increased self-awareness of how managers are viewed by others, as well as a structured program for self-development that will be utilized by participants.

We develop shared language for holding development discussions among all members of the group as well as language that managers can utilize to conduct more articulate performance evaluations of their reports.

As a result of our efforts, organizations achieve increased focus on how to strategically enhance their future leadership development efforts.

To find out how Stuart Levine & Associates can help your organization with Leadership Assessments, contact us.

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