The above mentioned web seminar discussed key components of building a marketing and branding strategy for your credit union and what is the board’s role in creating and overseeing the strategy. Sarah Cooke, Editor in Chief, Credit Union Times and Stuart R. Levine, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Stuart Levine & Associates, were joined by Peter Hubbell, Executive VP, Global General Manager, Saatchi & Saatchi, and Linda Armyn, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development Government Affairs, Bethpage Federal Credit Union.
During the web seminar a survey was conducted, respondents indicated that 97% thought that marketing and branding were important to the success of their credit union. However, 72% responded that they were not satisfied with their credit union’s branding strategy. One of the key take aways from the discussion is that too often people think that branding simply means nothing other than pretty pictures and pretty logos, however it is much more than that. Branding is how do you want to be perceived in the minds of your employees, your members and your community.
In the survey an additional 46% responded that their boards of directors were not involved at all in developing or overseeing the marketing and branding strategy. In order for a marketing and branding strategy to work, it must have buy in from all levels of the organization; this includes the board. While you do not want the board involved in the execution of the strategy, board members should understand what the credit union’s marketing and branding objectives are and fully support the strategies.
For more insights into these and other questions click here for a copy of the slide deck; click here for a copy of the executive summary; and click here to view the archive.