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  • Learning Cultures Drive Business Impact
    Posted on Sep 13th, 2017

    By Stuart R. Levine Published In, The Credit Union Times The strength of an organization’s learning culture can be the single biggest driver of business impact. In a learning culture, people develop their abilities, their technical skills improve and career advancement occurs. Learning and development professionals are leading the charge to make sure their companies […]

  • Cut To The Chase With Stuart
    Posted on Sep 6th, 2017

    Start with the End in mind is a key rule from Stuart’s best-selling book, Cut To The Chase. Learn from Stuart how to integrate this simple rule into your everyday routine so that you can start achieving your objectives.

  • Why Your Board Isn’t Optimized
    Posted on Aug 24th, 2017

    By Stuart R. Levine Published in, Forbes What is an optimized board and are you serving on one?  I have found that the key factors contributing to an optimized board are boards that have a strong culture, focus on ensuring company strategy and succession planning and have engaged directors who are prepared for all meetings. […]

  • Why Is Implementing Change So Hard?
    Posted on Aug 22nd, 2017

    By Stuart R. Levine Published In, CU Times Achieving change in an organization requires a relentless commitment to include people and their thoughts in the process. Most change efforts fail because of a lack of understanding of the dynamics of organizational change. Organization’s behave like a biological system. It attempts to achieve balance by resisting […]

  • Taking Control of Board Culture and New Realities
    Posted on Aug 20th, 2017

    By Stuart R. Levine Ethical Boardroom, Summer 2017 Directors spend approximately one full month a year on board-related matters. What can you do to assure that your board’s culture is optimal and that this valuable time is maximized effectively? Dysfunctional boards waste time, and, more importantly, dysfunction depletes the organization’s resources through unwise decisions and […]

  • Stuart Hosts Webinar On Board Meeting Optimization With Passageways August 8th
    Posted on Aug 3rd, 2017

    Tuesday, August 8th at 2pm EST/11am PT, Stuart R. Levine and Peter Gleason, President and CEO of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) will join Passageways for a live webinar. On this webinar, board directors, senior executives and aspiring board members/leaders will learn best practices:: Essentials for board meeting pre-planning Creating an agenda and […]

  • Hold Your CEO Accountable
    Posted on Jul 28th, 2017

    By Stuart R. Levine Published In, Forbes Industries have always faced challenges in the marketplace, but today they are under stress like never before. Advances in technology have ushered in dramatic changes, remaking traditional industries like energy, retail, journalism and medicine. Even cutting-edge technology companies that themselves are disruptors, are in a continuous state of […]

  • Employee Development for Engagement and Purpose
    Posted on Jul 22nd, 2017

    By Stuart R. Levine Published In, CU Times An overwhelming number of companies use annual or semi-annual performance appraisals that focus on ratings and employee weaknesses, without commensurate tools to engage or develop their employees. Furthermore, too many managers believe that compensation is all that matters, and if the pay and benefits are good, people […]

  • Stop Tracking Employees And Start Inspiring Them
    Posted on Jun 24th, 2017

    By, Stuart R. Levine Published in, Forbes Are your performance evaluations improving your organizational culture? Do you think evaluation systems really engage people, make them feel heard and help them to grow? An overwhelming number of companies review their people infrequently, usually on an annual basis, and in a way that is not engaging or effective. […]

  • Cognitive Awareness for Better Decisions
    Posted on Jun 12th, 2017

    By Stuart R. Levine Published in, The Credit Union Times  Emotional intelligence, self-awareness and commitment to understanding others are traits of a good leader. These leaders make sound decisions based on best available data. But what if the natural automatic workings of the mind interfere with these traits? The research of Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist […]