Preparing for Change
Posted on Dec 2nd, 2010
Recently, the SEC issued Rule 14a-11 which has major implications for the way shareholders have access to nominating directors to boards. The implementation of these rules is currently being challenged in court by the United States Chamber of Commerce. However, the SEC direction is to encourage increased communication between shareholders and directors. So while we […]
Annual Retreats: Directors Debate Best Practices
Posted on Jun 3rd, 2010
During the holidays, television stations always run a consecutive loop of the yuletide log with a soundtrack of recognizable Christmas songs. It reminds us of shared values and gives people a sense of the holiday spirit and warmth. Presently, we are watching a 24/7 “continuous loop” of the BP disaster with up to 100,000 gallons […]
Stay Close to Your Customers to Gain a Competitive Edge
Posted on Jun 12th, 2009
The new normal for many consumers includes eating out once every two weeks instead of every one, getting a haircut every eight weeks instead of six and turning off lights to save on electricity bills. Lifestyle changes and drastic cutbacks in spending have had a profound impact on businesses, including layoffs, pay cuts, unpaid time […]
A Challenge to Board Leadership: Get Culture Right
Posted on Jan 2nd, 2009
The 2009 Spencer Stuart Board Index was released in October and while there are no huge surprises, I believe the data signals a shifting center of gravity in corporate governance – a move toward independence, commitment, and accountability. Consider these highlights from the Spencer Stuart study of the S & P 500 companies for 2009. […]