Stay Close to Your Customers to Gain a Competitive Edge
Posted on Jun 12th, 2009
The new normal for many consumers includes eating out once every two weeks instead of every one, getting a haircut every eight weeks instead of six and turning off lights to save on electricity bills. Lifestyle changes and drastic cutbacks in spending have had a profound impact on businesses, including layoffs, pay cuts, unpaid time […]
Boards Must Balance Power to Maintain Their Integrity
Posted on May 6th, 2009
The country’s economic crisis has shed a bright spotlight on the management of companies by chief executive officers and raised questions relating to CEO performance. Billions in taxpayers’ money have been given to auto companies and financial institutions, including $170 billion to failed insurance conglomerate AIG. In March, when AIG distributed roughly $165 million in […]
Corporate Governance: It’s Time for a Close Review
Posted on Jan 9th, 2009
Related Products & Services: Board Assessments, Effective Board GovernanceThe government bailed out Citigroup. The chief executives of the Big Three automakers asked for $25 billion in loans. There will undoubtedly be more corporations asking the government for financial help. Many people are asking, and rightly so, “Who’s been minding the store?” Many Americans are frustrated and angry. How could corporate leadership allow their […]
A Challenge to Board Leadership: Get Culture Right
Posted on Jan 2nd, 2009
The 2009 Spencer Stuart Board Index was released in October and while there are no huge surprises, I believe the data signals a shifting center of gravity in corporate governance – a move toward independence, commitment, and accountability. Consider these highlights from the Spencer Stuart study of the S & P 500 companies for 2009. […]
Keep Your Board Members Focused and Productive
Posted on Aug 8th, 2008
Last month, I was delighted to participate in the Yale Governance Forum, an annual event that is organized by The Millstein Center for Corporate Governance and Performance at their Yale School of Management and attended by more than 300 global directors and academics. The focus of this year’s meeting was to examine changes and uncertainty […]
Gleaning Leadership Insights from the HP Debacle
Posted on Oct 13th, 2006
As I work on this column, Patricia Dunn, former non-executive chairman of Hewlett-Packard’s board, is preparing to testify before Congress about recent revelations that HP was spying on its own board members. As the lead director of a public corporate board, I’ve watched the situation deteriorate and important lessons surface. These lessons have applications for […]