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  • Strategy As Effective Risk Mitigation In a Rapidly Changing Marketplace
    Posted on Dec 23rd, 2019

    PUBLISHED IN NJ BANKER, DIRECTORS’ CORNER PAUL AGUGGIA | PARTNER | HOLLAND & KNIGHT STUART R. LEVINE | CHAIRMAN & CEO | STUART LEVINE & ASSOCIATES In May, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) released its Semiannual Risk Perspective for spring 2019 outlining major themes and risks for the federal banking system. […]

  • How To Create Sustainable Cultures That Are Accretive To Shareholders
    Posted on Nov 11th, 2019

    By Stuart R. Levine Published in Forbes A company’s intangible assets, including talent and culture, are now estimated to make up 52% of a company’s market value and for some companies it can be as high as 90%.* Companies like State Street, BlackRock and Vanguard are actively focused on these issues. On September 18, 2019 […]

  • Stuart Writes For NACD Directorship On Board Diversification
    Posted on Oct 20th, 2019

  • Stuart Contributes to The Directors Chair on Board Culture Change
    Posted on Oct 6th, 2019

    Published in NACD The Director’s Chair  

  • Stuart Contributes To Agenda On Board Struggles With Culture Metrics
    Posted on

    Boards Struggle With Culture Metrics By Amanda Gerut September 23, 2019 As boards grow increasingly aware of the importance of gauging and understanding company culture, directors are working with management teams to determine which data points can best unearth and root out culture problems before they can fester and thwart strategic initiatives. Recent research published […]

  • Create A Culture Of Engagement To Achieve Real Results
    Posted on Sep 12th, 2019

    By Stuart R. Levine Published in, Forbes Measuring is paramount when you’re trying to create change and improvement. It’s the only way to identify gaps and close them. In trying to create a healthy culture within your work environment to achieve employee engagement, outstanding performance and results, it’s critical to measure your culture on an […]

  • Rest For Success
    Posted on Jul 11th, 2019

    By Stuart R. Levine Published in, Forbes Perpetual movement without rest decreases productivity . In reality, it yields the opposite. Working without downtime, reduces efficiency and creativity and often invites emotional, psychological, and physical stress. The brain needs downtime to remain productive, gain perspective and generate innovative ideas. Downtime gives the mind an opportunity to make […]

  • A Superb Strategy Without The Culture To Support It Leads To Failure
    Posted on Jun 26th, 2019

    By Stuart R. Levine Published in, Forbes Senior leadership’s continual focus on strategy is fundamental to the operation of business. Still, a brilliant business strategy without the culture to implement it is a fool’s errand. The most important thing that leaders can do is to listen, engage team members, attract and retain the best talent, […]

  • Do Not Rely On Annual Reviews To Effectively Develop Leadership
    Posted on May 29th, 2019

    By Stuart R. Levine Published in Forbes Employees are on the move and they know they have options. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports voluntary job change is increasing, and last year non-retirement voluntary turnover was at 15.5%. A recent Gallup global employee survey reported that 51% of employees said they are actively looking for a […]

  • Strategic Planning that Strengthens Your Culture
    Posted on Apr 4th, 2019

    Published in, Forbes By Stuart R. Levine Not every senior leader thinks about their strategic planning process as an opportunity to enhance their organizational culture. However, your culture is the key to moving the needle on revenues, and every opportunity to enhance it also enhances the opportunity for financial return. Smart leaders use the planning […]