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  • Leadership Lessons from the Garden: Recognizing the Sanctity of Time
    Posted on Jun 13th, 2024

    Credit Union Times – June 2024 Stuart R. Levine Life is challenging and more complicated than ever before, leading to increased pressures and anxiety. Finding ways to relieve stress and recharge one’s brainpower and productivity requires planning and thought. Paying attention to how you utilize your time professionally and personally will provide you with time […]

  • The Uncomfortable Reality of Continuous Learning 
    Posted on Apr 4th, 2024

    Forbes April 2024  Stuart R. Levine In a recent CNN interview, former associate justice of the United States Supreme Court, Stephen Breyer, who retired in June of 2022, shared an essential answer to a question about legacy. A president once told him that the applause dies rapidly, leaving you with the job. He further explained […]

  • Succession Planning Takes Character, Trust, And Respect
    Posted on Jan 15th, 2024

    Stuart R. Levine, Chairman and CEO, Stuart Levine & Associates LLC. Published in Forbes. Whether a governing board oversees a public company, a privately owned firm, or a not-for-profit organization, sound governance and leadership are essential. Peak board performance requires directors to be engaged, focused and knowledgeable. A well-functioning board establishes the culture for the entire […]

  • Be a Better Board, Look in the Mirror
    Posted on Nov 17th, 2023

    Credit Union Times November 2023 Stuart R. Levine, Chairman and CEO, Stuart Levine & Associates LLC In order to face the challenges ahead, it’s important to strengthen board cultures and to increase the skills and diversity of backgrounds and professional experience on boards. Board assessment processes that generate confidential data and non-attributable insights will be […]

  • Members Come First
    Posted on Nov 1st, 2023

    Stuart R. Levine, Chairman and CEO, Stuart Levine & Associates LLC Members are more emboldened than ever to share both positive and negative feedback, including sharing stories with others both in person and through social media. Dissatisfied members will abandon a brand without providing the company with any useful feedback; they just leave. Many who […]

  • Values Are Key for Engagement and Performance
    Posted on Sep 30th, 2023

    Credit Union Times Sept 2023Stuart R. Levine, Chairman and CEO, Stuart Levine & Associates Organizational values matter. Values are the guiding principles underlying priorities and driving decisions. Yes, values matter, but organizations themselves don’t really have values. It’s people who do. A person’s values affect their relationships, how they spend their time, what they focus […]

  • The Leader’s Journey
    Posted on Sep 19th, 2023

    Forbes September 2023 Stuart R. Levine, Chairman and CEO, Stuart Levine & Associates LLC Growth and leadership development are critical. Change requires discipline, time and planning. When you observe an accomplished leader, know they weren’t necessarily born that way. Some may have better skills than others initially, but developing listening skills, patience and dedication to […]

  • Cybersecurity Is No Longer an Issue Reserved Strictly for CIOs and CISOs
    Posted on Mar 20th, 2023

    Stuart R. Levine, Chairman and CEO, Stuart Levine & Associates LLC. Published in Forbes. CEOs and their boards must now own cybersecurity. CEOs need to establish the right culture to protect against cyber risk. Boards need to establish cyber as a material business financial risk and need to better understand the potential of its material […]

  • Continuous Learning Based on Ethics and Courage  
    Posted on Feb 21st, 2023

    Stuart R. Levine, Chairman and CEO, Stuart Levine & Associates LLC. Published in Forbes. Continuous learning not only keeps you young, but provides a catapult for continuous growth, both personally and professionally. Learning from others is a common trait in successful value-driven leaders. Observing, listening, and ongoing communication, which can often be hard and challenging, […]

  • The Power of Nice
    Posted on Dec 14th, 2022

    Stuart R. Levine, Chairman and CEO, Stuart Levine & Associates LLC As this year concludes, we have all endured disruptions in our personal and professional lives. In anticipation of a new year, it’s appropriate to think about what we’ve learned and how best to respond and prepare ourselves for the continuation of economic volatility and […]