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    • Exposing The Dirty Truth About Governance
      Related Products & Services: Governance

      By Stuart R. Levine Published in, Forbes Insights There is increased conversation regarding governance and its impact on shareholder value.  To participate requires clear thinking and crisp communication.  Let’s start by understanding that any good decision-making process requires timely information that is presented in a coherent and effective manner.  When we talk about organizational culture, […]

    • Is Your Organization Adequately Protecting Its Assets?
      Related Products & Services: Governance

      By Stuart R. Levine Published In, The Credit Union Times Are your board and senior leadership adequately protecting your organization’s most valuable assets including your data and intellectual property?  Board oversight, senior management leadership and a culture of engagement will go a long way to address this serious problem.  When a mindset of data protection […]

    • Stuart Quoted in NASDAQ White Paper on Strategic Communication
      Related Products & Services: Governance

      Stuart R. Levine has been quoted in NASDAQ’s recently published white paper on strategic communication saying, “CEOs who commit to conversations prior to every board meeting with each director, to discuss concerns and gather input, understand that communication between the board and the CEO is critical to achieving a strong culture of trust.” To read […]

    • Boost Productivity and Financials through Effective Meeting Management
      Related Products & Services: Leadership Development

      Published In, The Credit Union Times By Stuart R. Levine Time is one of your organization’s most valuable resources and meetings represent a significant portion of your employees’ time.  Harvard Business Review studies have shown that the best-performing companies in terms of return on capital, operating margin and revenue growth were those whose employees managed […]

    • Failed Obamacare Website Offers Lessons for Boards
      Related Products & Services: Governance

      Published in, Agenda- A Financial Times Service By, Stuart R. Levine Abstract: The failure of HealthCare.gov reinforces the need for directors to be fully engaged with senior management on how well the company is implementing key strategies and communicating with all stakeholders, writes Stuart R. Levine, a director at Broadridge Financial Solutions and founder of […]